How to Get the Most Out of Canva Magic Write

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By this point, you’re probably sick of hearing about AI text and content generators, right?

But what if I told you that you should probably keep listening to all of the chatter because you’re using these tools all wrong? 

Before we get to the reasoning, in case you are one of the few who is just getting started (which is totally OK), AI text generators can be powerful tools for enhancing your content and streamlining your workflow. 

Whether you’re a content creator, a marketer, or simply someone looking to get a lot more creative with their writing, AI tools offer a wide range of possibilities. 

With the right approach, these tools can help you quickly generate unique content, create engaging stories, or simply spice up your writing by adding new and unexpected elements. They can be used to save you time and effort while still producing quality content that engages your audience. 

But with the wrong approach, AI text generators can result in wasted time and frustration. When used incorrectly – due to a lack of accuracy and understanding of context – AI text generators can produce results that are not relevant to the user’s actual needs, making it difficult to find the right answer. 

Last, and most importantly, the generated content may contain errors or inaccuracies, leading to further headaches. 

Frankly, many people who have yet to jump headfirst into tools like Canva Magic Write have maybe dabbled with tool capabilities, but haven’t fully harnessed a workflow that works for them, solves their problems, and increases their productivity. 

After spending hours with these tools, here are some tips to make the AI content generation journey a fruitful one.  

Use Better, More Specific Prompts

One of the best tips for getting the most out of Magic Write is to simply give it clear parameters and guidance to work from. 

For example, when creating a project in Canva Docs, be sure to provide a general outline of what needs to be included, all relevant information, and a general idea of the tone and style you are looking for (more on this later). 

A bad prompt would be something like “create a marketing strategy document”—basic, and nondescript. 

That said, a much better prompt would be something like:

Create a marketing strategy document for a new product launch in the baseball card space. Include a description of the product, a list of potential target markets, and ideas for creative advertising campaigns. Incorporate ideas for visuals such as images, charts, and graphs to help illustrate the concepts. Try to use a lighthearted, fun tone to make the document engaging and memorable.

See the difference?

And here’s a bonus tip: If you’re stuck and don’t know how to take a prompt from bad to great, ask Canva Magic Write:

The answer:

Always Read, Proof, and Refine

When using Magic Write to create your content, it’s important to always read through after receiving the output to ensure that it is put together correctly, and naturally. Magic Write can suggest autocomplete content in a jiffy, but the words might not always fit the context.

Most importantly, you’re going to need to fact-check any statistics or figures included in the output. Ask for resources and double-check anything provided to ensure that they are reliable. Fact-checking is an essential step when producing content, and it can help to boost the credibility of the projects you put together. Magic Write can help you to quickly produce words and more, but it’s still learning and getting smarter, so it’s essential to remember to take the time to fact-check for accuracy

Last, when using Magic Write, try to not rely solely on its suggestions, but to also incorporate your own words, ideas, and personal anecdotes to ensure that your content is unique and engaging. 

Look at it this way—if Magic Write can produce a piece of content for you in less than 30 seconds, think about how many others might be doing the same thing. If people are asking the same or similar prompts, there is likely going to be a lot of repeat output floating around. 

Create Content AND Tone

One last tip for getting the most out of Magic Write is to remember that you not only ask for output like a social media headline, blog post outline, press release, etc., but that you can (and should) also include whatever you need from a tone perspective in your prompt. 

For example, you might be tempted to jump in and start with a prompt like “Write a blog post about the benefits of exercising.” You’ll certainly get a response, but you’ll get a lot more out of it – and have a better chance of connecting with your audience – if the tone matches whatever you need it to be. 

With this in mind, your prompt evolves into something like:

“Write a blog post about the benefits of exercising and how it can impact mental wellbeing. The tone should be upbeat, encouraging, and motivating because the audience is a group of beginners who have difficulty exercising. Lots of excitement and exclamations.”

Along the same lines, it’s important to include how technical or basic the language should be as well, and, for example, not being overly technical if that’s not what will resonate with your target audience. 

To end, using Magic Write can be a great way to quickly and efficiently create quality content. However, the success of the process depends on the specificity of the prompts, the thoroughness of your edits and fact-checking, and the inclusion of the right tone and voice in your prompts.

Whenever you sit stunned at the quality of the content Magic Write might produce and how easily you retrieved it, think about the others across the world who might be doing the same thing. From there, take some of the time savings Magic Write is providing on the front end and put in the resources to ensure your content is still human and more engaging than anything else out there. 

About Rent My Words 84 Articles
Rent My Words is a website and blog dedicated to helping everyday people become more successful in freelance marketing and writing.