Does Wordtune Offer Discount Codes?

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You’ve found a new tool or “toy” and have enjoyed the heck out of it, but now the time has come to put your money where your mouth is and buy the full or premium version. Or, in the case of Wordtune at this very moment, the time has come to see if you can find a discount to save you at least a little on the overall investment. First things first…

Does Wordtune Offer Discounts?

Yes! Wordtune offers a 40% discount on both annual and monthly plans, if you are – according to the Wordtune website – a student or educator with a working and valid academic email address and are currently enrolled in or working at an academic institution.

There are other “ins” and details, so be sure to check out the site details. You’ll have to email from your academic email address in order to apply. 

The #1 Writing Tool

How Much Does Wordtune cost?

If you don’t qualify for the above discount code and you can’t find any savings anywhere else, the cost for Wordtune premium is $24.99 if you pay as you go on a monthly basis. You can also pay for an entire year at $119.88 which breaks down to only $9.99 a month. 

How Does This Cost Compare to Grammarly?

Grammarly, which many say is a similar tool, costs $30 per month compared to Wordtune’s $24.99. Like Wordtune, this cost can be reduced if you purchase at the annual rate of $144 (thus bringing the monthly cost down to $12.). Alternatively, you can pay by the quarter instead of the entire year at $60/quarter, which would break down to $20/month. Grammarly is not free for students.

What are the Differences in Wordtune Plans?

All of this begs the question—what are you even paying for? With Wordtune, the basic free plan allows you to rewrite 20/day to “explore new ways to rephrase any piece of text” according to the Wordtune premium page. That same page says that the “free version will transform your writing” but “premium will take it to the next level.”

That next level is unlimited rewrites instead of 20/day, plus unlimited choosing of casual and formal tones (which isn’t included with the free plan) and unlimited shortening and expanding of text length in order to suit a particular format (also not included with the free plan). All of this in addition to premium support.

What is the Difference Between Wordtune Premium & the Paid Grammarly Plan?

Well, first, it isn’t exactly apples to apples because Grammarly is a different tool than Wordtune, and was built with different user needs in mind. So with that said, Grammarly pay plans will give you everything you can experience in free (basic writing suggestions regarding spelling, grammar, and punctuation) plus suggestions for “style, clarity improvements, and additional advanced corrections including:

  • fluency
  • readability
  • word choice
  • plagiarism detection
  • inclusive language
  • formality level

There is more, so check out the complete list here.

Do You Need a Tool Like Wordtune?

Really, only you can answer that! Personally, while I may not be the best writer in the world, one of my strengths is being able to think about different ways of saying things and constructing words that might be less formal yet highly effective. So, I don’t have much of a use at the moment.

However, perhaps what I just explained above is a weakness of yours, and even if you don’t use what the tools suggests, it might help get you thinking about taking different approaches with your writing.

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Rent My Words is a website and blog dedicated to helping everyday people become more successful in freelance marketing and writing.