Canva is a tool for those who have little time, and fewer resources, yet need to create visually-appealing designs – or repurpose beautiful templates – to grab and keep the interest of even the most uniterested audience.
I never thought about this before, but Canva is the perfect tool for teachers.
By creating visual aids that can enhance classroom presentations and learning materials, teachers can use Canva to create infographics, posters, diagrams, and other projects that can help students better understand the subject matter.
With that, one of the most critical (yet undervalued) elements of design is typography, and selecting the right font can make a world of difference in a design’s overall impact.
And while Canva does not fall short when it comes to font availability – providing a number of beautiful looks and even great equivalents for fonts that might be missing – with so many options, things can get overwhelming quickly.
🚨 Attention all primary teachers! 🚨
— themerrillsedu 👓👗💚 #interACTIVEclass (@themerrillsedu) February 22, 2023
📣 Did you know that @canva has a ton of hidden gem fonts that are perfect for creating classroom materials?
🎮 Level up your teaching with these fun and playful fonts that you can use today!
So today, we are taking a look at the best Canva fonts for teachers—options that not only can kick materials up to the notch they need to be, but that are engaging and can even be easily-read when the situation calls for it.
Canva Student Font Dotted
I mean, sometimes when you jump into Canva fonts it can take so much time scrolling trying to find a good solution, whereas, if the fonts were simply named differently, you might easily find your font option in seconds.
Well, that’s why I’m starting with Canva Student Font Dotted. Not only is it a font that should be easily findable thanks to its great and straightforward name, but it also serves a huge purpose for any teacher looking for an easy way to create traceable word projects.
(Another great dotted option is KG Primary Dots; more on the KG Primary options below.)
KG Primary Penmanship L
Similarly (or even more so!) KG Primary Penmanship isn’t even a font, per se, but more of an easy way to create a nice line for students to use and practice with.
Alternatively, you can also type out words to fit perfectly on the line in order to show students how letters and words should be created, as I’ve shown in the example.
KG Primary Dots Lined
If you need something that combines both of the options above, there is also KG Primary Dots Lined, which not only produces the lines from KG Primary Penmanship L, but does so with dotted-line words to make for easy traceability.
By now, you get the point—you can easily customize writing assignments with the very words and sentence constructions you want students to be focusing on.
Lexend is a great Canva font for teachers, but for a completely different reason than the fonts presented thus far.
Yes, a font can improve or impede reading performance. At #Lexend we’re working to improve reading for all! Available in @googlefonts @googledocs @gsuite @Canva @texthelp @helperbird_ @Widgit_Software #Teachers #edtech #distancelearning #Dyslexia #ADHD @MadeByDyslexia @Flipgrid
— Bonnie, EdD (@LexendFonts) August 22, 2020
You see, Lexend was created specifically to improve reading performance.
According to the font’s website, Lexend is “a variable font empirically shown to significantly improve reading-proficiency.”
That’s right “variable,” like a pair of prescription glasses that should change depending on the wearer (reader).
Good news, Bonnie! 🎉 To help you on your goal to improve reading proficiency, we’ve now added Lexend fonts to our library. Feel free to check it out and use it in your designs! 😍
— Canva (@canva) May 26, 2020
I won’t get into the specifics of how it works, but if interested, I encourage you to read up on it. Some fascinating stuff.
Canva Student Font
Canva Student Font is a fun and playful option that looks like it was designed specifically for educational materials and younger learners in mind. With a handwritten-style design and irregularly spaced letters, Canva Student Font presents a whimsical and playful appearance.
Given its name – and look – Canva Student Font is a great choice for educational materials including lesson plans, handouts, posters, and more; adding a fun and engaging element, again, especially for materials aimed at younger students.
However, as with any creative font, it’s important to use this option sparingly. While it can work well for headlines, titles, and shorter pieces of text, it may not be the best choice for content-heavy designs. For these situations, it’s best to refer back to those fonts that prioritize readability and legibility, like Lexend mentioned above.
Permanent Marker
In the same lane as Canva Student Font, Permanent Marker is a bold option that resembles the look of text written with, well, a permanent marker.
Thus, Permanent Marker has a hand-drawn appearance and slightly irregular lines and edges.
Again, probably not be the best choice for longer pieces of text, but it can work well for headlines and titles. Think urgency and importance; two things most teachers can relate to!
Open Sans
Last, and back to readability and options for longer pieces of text, Open Sans is a great font choice for teachers to use in the classroom.

It is highly readable and can help create an inviting and engaging atmosphere in the classroom. It is also a great option for digital platforms, like websites and online course materials.