Converting Canva Projects Into Word Documents

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Unfortunately, you cannot download and convert your Canva documents, designs, and reports into Microsoft Word. That said, there is a way to do so by first downloading the project as a PDF, and then converting the PDF into the Word file.

Before we jump into it, though—my first question is, why? Why do you have the need to convert a Canva project into a Word document?

Depending on your answer and need, you might be a bit disappointed upon completing the conversion. Reason being, Canva is a design tool, and Microsoft Word is a Word processor. The two programs weren’t really meant for each other (or else this process would be a lot easier). So, when converting the images, fonts, and more might get a bit thrown off kilter.

Thus, this process is best used for Canva projects that have limited text and/or limited design and images. Think school worksheets, template for SMART goals, and the like—these types of projects will work a lot better when converting to Word than something like a design-heavy birthday invitation.

Anyway, with that in mind, let’s take a look at the process, and some of the fixes you might have to carry out in Word when the time comes.

1. Download the Canva Project

Once you’re done with your design and are ready to get it out of Canva, the first thing you’ll need to do is download it. Since we can’t download Canva projects into Word documents directly, you’ll first want to select the “PDF Standard” option under “Download.”

For this example, I grabbed a pre-made worksheet from Canva’s library.

2. Convert PDF to Word Document

Now that you have the PDF downloaded, you can easily convert the file into a Word file. There are many different PDF to Word converters, but I personally like to use the official tool on, which looks like this:

With the click of a couple of buttons, you’ll have a Word document ready for download.

3. Make Edits

As mentioned, rarely are you going to transform a PDF into a Word document and have everything translate 100%. Canva has a number of different fonts, and unless you upload your own font to Canva beforehand, you might even struggle to find basic Canva font equivalents.

That said, this example turned out pretty well! Here is what the file looks like when opened in Word:

From here, since the text is editable, I can choose a different font or clean up where needed. As mentioned, this one looks pretty good, but I do see a small blip:

So, I’ll just highlight it and delete it or add additional text. And that’s it! Problems or questions? Contact me!

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