Downloading Fonts From Canva

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While you can easily upload your own fonts to Canva, you can’t download or export fonts from Canva for use outside of the design program.

I’ve seen this asked quite a few times, and while you’d think it would be possible, Canva has stated otherwise on Twitter more than once.

That said, I haven’t seen anything on the subject as of late, so I did send a tweet of my own to see if I could get additional information.

The fact that you can’t download fonts from Canva has caused a bit of frustration among users, who, might have created a design in Canva using a particular Canva font, only to realize that if they wanted to carry that font through to other, non-Canva projects, they aren’t able to do so.

Others simply like the fonts they find in Canva and want to download them for use elsewhere, but it’s not an option:

Another sticking point is that fonts aren’t embedded into PDFs, which seems to cause issues when it comes time to print.

Here is a detailed article talking about Canva and how to go about embedding fonts into a PDF.

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